A Think Twice Review of:
State Policy Report Card
Think Twice - Feb 20, 2013
Publisher/Think Tank - StudentsFirst
Author(s) -
This report assigned letter grades to states based on its preferred policies regarding school choice, defined contribution pension programs, private vouchers, test-based accountability and centralized control of public schools.
Reviewer(s) - Sherman Dorn, University of South Florida Ken Libby, University of Colorado Boulder
“Report cards” that grade states on their education policies assign rankings that vary tremendously, depending on the political ideology of the grader, according to a new review released today by the Think Twice think tank review project. Sherman Dorn of the University of South Florida and doctoral student Ken Libby of the University of Colorado Boulder discovered great variation in a recent StudentsFirst state policy report card. The review was produced by the National Education Policy Center with funding from the Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice.