American Educational Research Association
The American Educational Research Association (AERA), founded in 1916 and currently in its 86th year, is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results.
Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement
CAREI is a collaborative organization that brings resources of the College of Education and Human Development and the University of Minnesota to bear on education issues in Minnesota and across the nation.
Center for Education Policy Research, Harvard University
The Center for Education Policy Research (CEPR) is based on the belief that if we want to dramatically improve educational outcomes for all children, evidence must play a critical role. Over the past 10 years, the CEPR at Harvard University has developed a distinctive approach to fulfilling its mission to transform education through the power of quality research and evidence. To support education leaders and organizations in making vital decisions using facts and findings, rather than trends and untested assumptions, their approach follows a unique path: Generate relevant and accessible research to answer critical questions for the education field; Develop technical and organizational capacity within education agencies to uncover and use evidence; Create a community and movement of schools and systems dedicated to using evidence for progress.
Center for Evaluation & Education Policy
CEEP endeavors to improve education and social services through rigorous program evaluation and policy analyses. Working with government, education, human services, and business organizations, CEEP takes a systematic approach to evaluation and education policy research, using a variety of methodologies. The mission of CEEP is to improve education by providing nonpartisan research and evaluation information regarding current policy issues, to encourage rigorous program evaluation by providing evaluation expertise and services to diverse agencies, organizations, and businesses, as well as to expand knowledge of effective strategies in evaluation and policy research
The Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP)
The Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP) in the College of Education and Human Development recognizes that health, education, and community well-being are intertwined in a complex social web that challenges practitioners and policymakers alike. Founded in 2013, CRESP’s mission is to conduct rigorous research, program evaluation, and policy analysis to inform decisions at the local, state, and federal levels, thereby improving outcomes for children, youth, adults, and families.
Center for Teaching Quality
The Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ) seeks to improve student learning and advance the teaching profession by: cultivating teacher leadership, conducting timely research, and crafting smart policy. Barnett Berry is President and CEO of the Center for Teaching Quality.
Consortium for Policy Research in Education
The Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE) is a community of researchers from renowned research institutions and organizations committed to advancing educational policy and practice through evidence-based research. CPRE has adopted an openly-available peer-reviewed publishing model by which member-created research and outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other barriers, in a central open access repository (Scholarly Commons) subsidized by the University of Pennsylvania. You can access CPRE research via our Scholarly Commons repository.
Economic Policy Institute
The Economic Policy Institute, located in Washington, D.C., is a non-profit think tank focused on the economic condition of low- and middle-income Americans and their families
Education at Illinois
Education at Illinois is committed to: 1) Engaging in research on critical issues in education. 2) Preparing teachers and leaders who will assume positions as educators, school administrators, researchers, and as policy makers at the state and federal levels and 3) Serving the State of Illinois and the nation through professional development programs, including alternative certification programs, and through outreach to P-12 schools, state government, community colleges, community agencies and private companies.
Education Law Center
The Education Law Center (ELC) serves as the leading voice for New Jersey’s public school children and has become one of the most effective advocates for equal educational opportunity and education justice in the United States.
The Education Policy Center at Michigan State University
The EPC builds upon the solid foundation of MSU’s land-grant mission and the College of Education’s national and international reputation for education policy research in its mission to support and inform policy debates at every level of government.
Learning Policy Institute
The Learning Policy Institute conducts and communicates independent, high-quality research to improve education policy and practice. Working with policymakers, researchers, educators, community groups, and others, the Institute seeks to advance evidence-based policies that support empowering and equitable learning for each and every child. Nonprofit and nonpartisan, the Institute connects policymakers and stakeholders at the local, state, and federal levels with the evidence, ideas, and actions needed to strengthen the education system from preschool through college and career readiness.
The Ohio Education Research Center (OERC)
The Ohio Education Research Center (OERC) was founded in 2012 by a group of researchers from Ohio universities and independent research organizations. The initial charge for the OERC came from the Ohio Department of Education’s Race to the Top program (RttT). This project focused on the role of the OERC to develop and implement a coherent P-20 education research agenda in collaboration with the Ohio Department of Education and Ohio Board of Regents (now the Ohio Department of Higher Education).
National Education Policy Center
The National Education Policy Center, housed at University of Colorado at Boulder, produces and disseminates high-quality, per-reviewed research to inform education policy decisions.
National Education Writers Association
The Education Writers Association is dedicated to improving the quality and quantity of education coverage to create a better-informed society. It is a national professional organization of members of the media who specialize in education.
Rethinking Schools
Rethinking Schools began as a local effort to address problems such as basal readers, standardized testing, and textbook-dominated curriculum. Since its founding, it has grown into a nationally prominent publisher of educational materials, with subscribers in all 50 states, all 10 Canadian provinces, and many other countries.
State Innovation Exchange
State Innovation Exchange (SiX) is a national resource and strategy center that collaborates with state legislators to improve people’s lives through transformative public policy. SiX works in close coordination with legislators, advocacy groups, think tanks, and activists to provide the tools and information legislators need to be successful. They provide policy support, communication products, research, trainings, convenings, technical assistance and strategic advice with a particular focus on the dynamics in each state. SiX is committed to building progressive power at the state level by providing lasting and personalized support for state legislators. SiX supports legislators who are working to: strengthen our democracy, fight for working families, advance reproductive freedom, defend civil rights and liberties, and protect the environment.
The Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC)
The Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) is the foremost leader in providing valid, reliable, and rigorous research and evidence-based studies and support to improve educational leadership, policies, and practices and impact the future of education in Utah. The UEPC specializes in collaborations with the education community locally and nationally. This unique relationship permits us to focus on current issues in education while also engaging University faculty from various disciplines to contribute their expertise and research.
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