A Think Twice Review of:
Reform With Results for New Jersey Schools
Think Twice - Feb 10, 2011
Publisher/Think Tank - Lexington Institute
Author(s) -
This report presents findings on the effectivenss of New Jersey's Abbott v. Burke court decisions. The report argues that the reforms ordered by the court have failed to increase student achievement despite what it terms dramatic spending increases. Based on this, the report argues for instituting such reforms as charters schools, changes to union contracts and vouchers.
Reviewer(s) - Alan R. Sadovnik, Rutgers University
Sadovnik's review finds that the report provides little or no empirical evidence to support its critiques or recommendations and omits important parts of existing research literature. Overall, Sadovinik indicates that, "… the report has little or no use for informing education reform in Newark, New Jersey or nationally."