A Think Twice Review of:
Whole Language High Jinks: How to tell when ‘scientifically-based reading Instruction’ isn’t
Think Twice - Feb 14, 2007
Publisher/Think Tank - Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Author(s) -
This report asserts that scientific research supports systematic phonics instruction and contends that ideologically biased supporters of whole-language instruction have thwarted the advance of scientifically based reading instruction.
Reviewer(s) - Richard Allington, University of Tennessee
In his review of the report, Allington indicates that the report’s author, Louisa Moats, fails to provide convincing research to support her position and goes on to say that Moats exaggerates the findings of the research she does cite and incorrectly dismisses approaches that are well-supported by research. Further, Allington points out that Moats’ report is more a promotion of her own reading products than an unbiased report on reading instruction.