A Think Twice Review of:
Review of The Economic Cost of the Pandemic: State by State
Think Twice - Mar 07, 2023
Publisher/Think Tank - Hoover Institution
Author(s) - Eric A. Hanushek
A recent Hoover Institution report by Eric Hanushek presents a calculation of the future learning-related economic burden resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. It projects a large and persistent economic loss by using a set of assumptions about the link between reduced student achievement levels and earnings, but in doing so fails to consider several factors.
Reviewer(s) - Clive Belfield, Queens College, City University of New York
In a review of The Economic Cost of the Pandemic: State by State, Clive Belfield of Queens College, City University of New York describes how the report falls short of a full accounting of the total loss in children’s human capital from the pandemic.