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A Think Twice Review of:

12 Myths and Realities about Private Educational Choice Programs

Think Twice - Mar 07, 2019

Publisher/Think Tank - Institute for Justice

Author(s) - Tim Keller

Setting out 12, often cartoonishly caricatured, "myths" about vouchers, the report proceeds to systematically dismiss each myth. The evidence presented in the report is based largely on previous work from other advocacy groups that curated evidence—much of it highly questionable—on the advantages of vouchers. Accordingly, the IJ report repeats earlier advocacy claims, even when flaws in those works have already been publicly explained. In doing so, the report makes claims that are not supported, and in fact sometimes contradicted, by evidence in the sources it cites.

Reviewer(s) - Christopher Lubienski Indiana University

Christopher Lubienski of Indiana University reviewed the IJ's report, 12 Myths and Realities about Private Educational Choice Programs. He considers the merits of each of the 12 claims, and finds that the report fails to take advantage of this body of research, instead offering little more than a simplistic and one-sided treatment of the empirical record.