A Think Twice Review of:
The Effect of Co-locations on Student Achievement in NYC Public Schools
Think Twice - Apr 15, 2014
Publisher/Think Tank - The Manhattan Institute
Author(s) - Marcus A. Winters
The report from the Manhattan Institute investigated the effect of colocations of charter schools and traditional public schools on a narrow range of standardized test scores. It focused on students' test scores and looked at fourth through eighth grade ELA and math standardized assessment gains. Colocation was not found to have a significant impact on students' test scores.
Reviewer(s) - Tina Trujillo and Marialena Rivera, UC-Berkeley
An academic review of the report finds that the report omits important details about its analysis. Additionally, the report does not build on existing research or background knowledge on colocations or related topics. Furthermore, the report expressly neglects to consider other important outcomes related to students' socio-emotional development, safety, health, and broader academic experiences. The report does little to help policymakers and practitioners evaluate the effects of colocation on students' educational experiences and outcomes.