A Think Twice Review of:
A Legal Lever for Enhancing Productivity
Think Twice - Feb 27, 2014
Publisher/Think Tank - George W. Bush Institute
Author(s) - Elizabeth Ettema, Krishanu Sengupta, and Sandy Kress
This report examines the extent to which the Texas education system is efficient. Using a five-factor definition of efficiency, the authors argue that in key areas – teacher training, teacher evaluation, teacher pay-setting, and use of instructional materials – the Texas education system is unlikely to be efficient or cannot demonstrate efficiency.
Reviewer(s) - Clive Belfield, Queens College, City University of New York
Dr. Clive Belfield found that the authors failed to prove that the Texas education system is inefficient. The review noted positively on the theoretical framework (x-efficiency) used to expand the concept of efficiency beyond the common economic definition. However, the report suffers from a lack of evidence and sufficient analysis to draw the conclusions made. The report is of limited use for policymakers and education professionals.