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A Think Twice Review of:

Fixing Classroom Observations: How Common Core Will Change the Way We Look at Teaching

Think Twice - Jan 21, 2014

Publisher/Think Tank - TNTP, Student Achievement Partners

Author(s) -

This report suggests that many states and school districts are rolling out new teacher evaluation systems that will not succeed in improving instruction because they have not been updated to reflect the Common Core. The report asserts that new evaluation systems have not remedied practical challenges of classroom observations. It calls for increased emphasis on lesson content and a paring down of observation rubrics – to make them more focused and clear.

Reviewer(s) - Jennie Whitcomb, University of Colorado Boulder

Dr. Jennie Whitcomb, associate dean for teacher education at the University of Colorado Boulder, concludes that simply streamlining the instruments and paying greater attention to what content is taught are unlikely to address the core problems surrounding teacher evaluations. Rather than solving implementation problems facing schools, Whitcomb says, "The report appears to be a sales-pitch for TNTP's soon-to-be-launched observation tools focused on Common Core lesson content."