A Think Twice Review of:
Review of The Long-Term Impact of Teachers: Teacher Value-Added and Student Outcomes in Adulthood
Think Twice - Feb 16, 2012
Publisher/Think Tank - National Bureau of Economic Research
Author(s) -
This report concludes that teachers whose students show high gains on standardized test scores continue to have a positive impact on the students later in the form of reduced teenage pregnancy rates, increased college attendance and increased future earnings. Ballou's review acknowledges that the report is impressive in many ways, but that important tests for bias were omitted and it failed to account for external factors which could impact test scores such as good parenting.
Reviewer(s) - Dale Ballou, Vanderbilt University
Ballou's review acknowledges that the report is impressive in many ways, but that important tests for bias were omitted and it failed to account for external factors which could impact test scores such as good parenting.